SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::detail::policy_max_error Struct Reference

Provides the function max_error_counts if inherited by a search algorithm. More...

#include <seqan3/search/detail/policy_max_error.hpp>

Protected Member Functions

template<std::ranges::forward_range query_t>
auto max_error_counts (query_t &&query)
 Returns a detail::search_param object filled by the information from the configuration. More...
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 policy_max_error ()=default
 policy_max_error (policy_max_error const &)=default
 policy_max_error (policy_max_error &&)=default
policy_max_erroroperator= (policy_max_error const &)=default
policy_max_erroroperator= (policy_max_error &&)=default
 ~policy_max_error ()=default
template<typename configuration_t >
requires is_type_specialisation_of_v<configuration_t, seqan3::configuration>
 policy_max_error (configuration_t const &config)
 Initialises the policy with the given configuration. More...

Protected Attributes

search_cfg::max_error_deletion deletion {}
 The deletion errors set by the user.
bool has_max_error_total {false}
 Flag indicating if max error total was given.
search_cfg::max_error_insertion insertion {}
 The insertion errors set by the user.
bool only_max_error_total {false}
 Flag indicating if only max error was given.
search_cfg::max_error_substitution substitution {}
 The substitution errors set by the user.
search_cfg::max_error_total total {}
 The total errors set by the user.

Private Member Functions

uint8_t to_error_count (std::variant< search_cfg::error_count, search_cfg::error_rate > const &error_variant, size_t const query_size)
 Returns a uint8_t object directly given by the search_cfg::error_count or calculated by the search_cfg::error_rate depending on the set alternative. More...

Detailed Description

Provides the function max_error_counts if inherited by a search algorithm.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ policy_max_error()

template<typename configuration_t >
requires is_type_specialisation_of_v<configuration_t, seqan3::configuration>
seqan3::detail::policy_max_error::policy_max_error ( configuration_t const &  config)

Initialises the policy with the given configuration.

Template Parameters
configuration_tThe configuration type; must be an instance of seqan3::configuration.
[in]configThe search configuration object.

Initialises the maximal errors for the respective edit operations from the given configuration.

Member Function Documentation

◆ max_error_counts()

template<std::ranges::forward_range query_t>
auto seqan3::detail::policy_max_error::max_error_counts ( query_t &&  query)

Returns a detail::search_param object filled by the information from the configuration.

Template Parameters
query_tMust model std::ranges::forward_range over the index's alphabet.
[in]queryThe current query sequence.

◆ to_error_count()

uint8_t seqan3::detail::policy_max_error::to_error_count ( std::variant< search_cfg::error_count, search_cfg::error_rate > const &  error_variant,
size_t const  query_size 

Returns a uint8_t object directly given by the search_cfg::error_count or calculated by the search_cfg::error_rate depending on the set alternative.

[in]error_variantA std::variant over search_cfg::error_count and search_cfg::error_rate.
[in]query_sizeThe size of the query.
std::invalid_argumentif error_rate is not between 0 and 1.

If seqan3::search_cfg::error_count is set in the configuration, its value already is of type uint8_t and can be returned as is. If seqan3::search_cfg::error_rate is set in the configuration, the error rates are converted to error counts based on the length of the query sequence.

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